Monday, December 05, 2011


I along with my family members went to Paro a day before. We went to there to perform offering called REWO SANGCHOE (meaning, the offering through burning incense). It gave me great gratification to be able to make offerings.
While performing REWO SANGCHOE, the incense along with all items (mostly edible) ingredients on the universe are burnt to create the fumes that is coveted to reach the entire universe. It is supposed to please all gods and goddesses, guardian deities and harmful deities or any sort of spirits in the universe. It’s a means to seek contrite apology to all displeased spirits. It is, of course, one of the greatest offerings. We halted night at SAngchen Chokhor Buddhist College, Paro. The next day we walked for around half an hour to reach Rinpung Goenpa. The REWO SANGCHOE was performed there.

Sangchen Chokhor